Halloween was so perfect this year! We found the perfect costumes for the perfect price and the weather was perfect-cold so my babies weren't hot all night! Jaxon loved being a dragon and painting his face. Ryker surprisingly wore his costume and let me paint his face too!

Brian just had to get these weird contacts. He all but cried trying to get them out. :)

Jaxon and Klayton got tired at trunk or treat had rested in some bushes.

Ryker pretty much whined all of trunk or treat. He was much happier on Halloween but I sadly didn't get a better picture of him.

We didn't carve pumpkins until Sunday...we just did not have time before Halloween to do it.
So we went to the fair yesterday and had so much fun!! It was how I remembered it as a kid. Indian Fried bread, rides, and prizes.

This was our fave. Both Jaxon and Ryker went through this mirror house and both kept running into the windows. It was so funny! It looked painful but they didn't notice. They loved it and everyone watching laughed at them every time they hit a wall. :) ha ha ha! This picture was taken of Ryker seconds before hitting the window.

Jaxon wasn't quite tall enough to ride ride's alone but the fair people don't question anything so we let him and he was so proud of himself. I went on a spinning ride with him and he giggled the whole time. No sound makes a mother happier, well, besides no sound-that's nice too.

I really don't like this ride but Jaxon does. Heights freak me out.

Ryker went on a horse ride while Jaxon and I did some others' since he wasn't tall enough at all. He loved it though. He was a good sport.
We also did the photo booth and charactertures (sp?). If I can figure out how to scan them, I'll post because they are super cute! Can't wait to go again next year!