I'm doing the dishes and all of a sudden I hear Ryker-"mess. I spilled." No clue how he got yogurt on his head/face like that.
This was hysterical! The Lincoln Logs tube was literally stuck to his perfectly huge head. He was crying and I was laughing my butt off and snapping pictures. I'm not a very nice mother. Poor baby. I almost had to break out the Crisco but somehow we managed it off.
Dr. Doolittle caught a couple pigeons. Gross huh? We brought bread for the ducks and all the pigeons on the planet heard about it and flew over to us. The kids loved it.
Ding dong the goats are gone! But really, they asked for it. We came home from church one day to find them in the house. For those who don't know, they are not indoor animals. If I had had a gun, they would be dead. Although, it makes me sad to see this picture. The boys just loved them.
We got a Wii for Christmas and the boys even love it. Here's Jaxon skiing. And yes, he's wearing the smallest size underwear they make. :)Hope everyone else is having a great year as well!