Wedding Survey
1.What month & year were you married?Feb 2004
2.How did he ask you?
At the temple in the rain. It was very sweet but not at all a surprise because I knew he had bought the ring and I noticed a jewelry-shaped box in his pocket.
3.Where did you honeymoon?
The Buttes-super cool hotel but nothing too exciting.
4.Can you still fit in your dress?
It may actually be big- I used to be a bit of a brute.
5.What was the worst gift you got?
A pink homemade giant comforter with stains. It was from Brian's great grandmother who we love but it was definitely not the greatest of gifts.
6.What flavor was your wedding cake?
Either plastic or Styrofoam-don't know what cake dummies they used and I can't remember what flavor the sheet cake was but it was good!
7.Were you a bridezilla?
I don't think so. I really didn't know what I was doing.
8.What's one thing you would change about your wedding?
I would have played a video my dad made for me. He had put together a beautiful video for him and I to dance to at our wedding but I felt it would be weird for me to have a video but not Brian. Little did I know weddings are all about the bride!
9.Do you still look at your wedding pics?
Of course!
10.What colors did you use?
Bright Hawaiian colors-red, blue, purple, yellow, orange, green
11.Where did you tie the knot?
Mesa, AZ Temple
12.Whats one funny thing that happened that day?
I really can't think of anything.
13.How many showers did you have?
14.Did you cry?
Not really. I got teary-eyed and maybe had 1 or 2 tears but I'm not that emotional.
15.Did you give any wedding favors away?
Flower Leigh's for the ladies and seaweed ones for the men.
16.Who caught the flowers and garter?
My baby sister and our gay friend.
17.Who was your officiant or minister?
I don't remember his name but he was very sweet and gave us some wonderful advice that I remember today.
18.How much was your wedding dress, undergarments and all?
Wow...not sure. I think my dress alone was $1200. Thanks mom and dad!
19.Was there dancing?
Yes but we were exhausted by then so we didn't do much of that.
20.Where was the reception?
Stonebridge Manor in Mesa. So pretty.
21.Would you go back and do it over again?
Duh, who wouldn't.
22.How long did you have to plan your wedding?
Let's see, we were engaged in August of 03 but didn't decide on a date until November. I don't remember when I got started on planning.
23.What kind of car were you in when you drove away?
24.How many in your wedding party?
I think 12.
25.Did you do anything different in your wedding or reception?
Like I said, I didn't know much about planning a wedding and Brian and I were the first in both families to get married so it was pretty basic-beautiful-but basic.
26.Did you save the top layer of your cake for your 1 year anniversary?
Wasn't an option. I wish I had gone with a different cake lady.
27.If so, did you eat it? Was it still good?
28.What was the grand total spent on your wedding?
A lot. My wonderful parents gave me everything they could to give me a great wedding and Brian's family even did their part as well.
29.Who traveled the farthest to attend your wedding?
My amazing grandparents and aunt who live in Arkansas.
30. Do you regret having anyone in your bridal party?
Congrats on 5 years! You guys make such a cute couple and for that matter cute kids too!
Happy Anniversary! I loved reading all about your wedding!
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