Why do birthdays bother me so much now? I hate the idea of this time in my life moving past me so quickly. Even when I was younger, looking through photo albums of my siblings when they were young made me tear up and long to relive those moments. I have always been a worrier. Think too much about the future and the "what may comes". Maybe that's my issue. Time to get over that! I turned 29 today. I can still celebrate-I'm not 30 YET! I can't guarantee that I will make it with a smile through my next birthday but I will enjoy my last and final wonderful year in my 20's. I love my 20's! A lot of amazing and most of the best things in my life happened during this time. Hopefully all of that can just shift and continue as I turn 30 (ugh, *shutter*). Until then, happy 29th birthday to me! Thanks hubby for making it a special day. And Applebee's, your service was wonderful, the food was delicious and your singing voices were to par. To the kiddos, you were pleasant at the restaurant and 2 out of 3 of you were good all day. (Ryker on my birthday = finding guest bath filled with toilet paper, flushing latex glove down toilet (at least you owned up right away and notified proper authorities), broken soap dispenser, crayon on door and wall, broken crayons, Vick's Vapor rub on self and brothers bed, and lemon and almond extract on self). Hope you got it all out of your system Mister!!
1 comment:
happy birthday!! and i know how you feel about time moving too fast and stuff... this was my last birthday turning an age that doesnt freak me out! and i still feel like a little kid. whats going on?! ;) anyways, your birthday sounds awesome. and all the ryker stuff cracked me up! ...boys are just trouble ;)
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