Saturday, November 3, 2012

Jaxon Loses first tooth

The day after Jaxon's 6th birthday, we finally got that lose tooth out. Brian had been trying for weeks to let him pull it out some fun way- floss tied to a door- but Jaxon refused and cried every time we brought it up. Finally, it was lose enough that even I agreed it was time to just pull it. Again, Jaxon protested so we had to trick him. Brian asked to take a look at it to see how lose it was and then BAM! pulled down and it came right out. Jaxon was half in tears and excitement. It took a minute for him to understand what just happened but when he realized his tooth was finally out, you couldn't get him to stop smiling. It was cute and he got his visit from the tooth fairy. It's so fun being parents!

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