Thursday, August 21, 2008
Ryker is 3 months!!
Our sweet little Rykers is 3 months old today. He has been an angel for us sleeping 10+ hours every night. He started sucking his thumb last week and I think it's adorable. He is still our little eater and becomes more and more lovable by the second.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Where did Jaxon go?
The scariest thing happened today. We had gotten home from church and I was cooking dinner and Brian was feeding Ryker. Jax had been pretty cranky since it was after 3 and he hadn't napped yet. After about 2 minutes of not hearing him whine anymore, Brian asked where he was. I searched every room twice and began panicking. He doesn't know how to turn the door knobs to open doors so he had to be in the house and I was terrified he was hurt somewhere and not able to yell for us. I was running around yelling "Jaxon, candy?" Brian went to look for him outside and found him right by the door sleeping behind the car seat. Poor little boy.

My Birthday
So it was my birthday Friday and I turned the big two-six. It was a pretty good day. My dad brought in lunch at work and I had dinner at my parents house. They ordered in Carraba's. It was pretty good. Then we had cake and ice cream as usual with the traditional birthday song. Our family has a tradition where at the very end of the song, we see who can hold the last note the longest. It usually comes down to me and my dad but since I didn't compete this time, it was Brian and dad. Dad won. Saturday, Brian took me to the baking store and with money I got for my birthday, I spent it all on cake decorating stuff. I am way excited to get started with that. Anyway, thanks to everyone who celebrated my fun day with me and for the calls.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Puppy Boxer Video
This is a short video. It is sooooo cute. Click on the title of this post to view.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Our Hawaii Trip
We are back! Woo Hoo! We left August 2nd for our vacation to Maui and came back yesterday. It was my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary and they wanted my Dads family and any of his children's families to be with them in Hawaii with them (don't have to pull my leg). I have to say that I had some of the best and worst times on this trip. Let's start with the good: I got to enjoy beautiful weather, the ocean, amazing food, fun shopping, scuba diving, Jaxon experiencing the ocean for the first time, running ocean side with my sister in-law, playing 3-13 with my family, taking pictures, spending time with all the members of my family, and most of all, spending time with my hubby. Brian and I learned a lot about each other this trip and sort of rekindled our relationship. It was amazing how well we got along when you take cleaning out of the equation. We've decided we should hire a cleaning lady. :) Anyway, there were 3 reasons the trip wasn't all that great. One, my poor mom was sick at home and we missed her sooooo much. Two, when we got home we were told our luggage didn't make it and won't be here until Monday morning. Number three, my children. Lets just say this is the last long trip I plan on taking for a long long time. My perfect angel Ryker turned into a monster almost the minute we landed in Hawaii. He didn't sleep, he started spitting up and he screamed his head off a lot of the time. Luckily we were in a very nice hotel (Four Seasons) where the walls are so thick no one can hear a thing (thank you Pops!). Jaxon wasn't all that different than usual but it seemed like he was harder since his brother was, so when they were grumpy at the same time, the "vacation" seemed like more work than it was worth. It was extremely stressful. They both were decent on the plane ride up but coming home was awful and I think it was worse to me than what other passenger's saw because we were complimented on how well we did with them when we got off. Even with the stress of our kids, we did have a lot of wonderful moments and experiences that we're grateful for. Brian was such a good dad and husband the whole trip. I have a pretty short fuse (seems to run in our family) and Brian has a never ending one. He has so much patience, love and understanding for his family. I was actually able to see that a lot this trip that I usually miss because I usually can't see passed the messiness. To all of you out there to whom I complain a lot to about my husband, I really do love him and think he's the best guy ever! All in all, we did have a great time. It's hard not to in such a beautiful place but we are happy to be home. Also luckily, it looks like Ryker is happier too. Thank you Pops for the trip and congrats to my grandparents for making it 50 years! That's a rarity these days.
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