The scariest thing happened today. We had gotten home from church and I was cooking dinner and Brian was feeding Ryker. Jax had been pretty cranky since it was after 3 and he hadn't napped yet. After about 2 minutes of not hearing him whine anymore, Brian asked where he was. I searched every room twice and began panicking. He doesn't know how to turn the door knobs to open doors so he had to be in the house and I was terrified he was hurt somewhere and not able to yell for us. I was running around yelling "Jaxon, candy?" Brian went to look for him outside and found him right by the door sleeping behind the car seat. Poor little boy.
Oh that is funny but not funny at the same time. How cute though that he fell asleep there and all on his own! Happy Birthday late. I totally for got we have the same birthday month. Ok so we went out Friday night on your birthday with tiffany it was her hubbys b-day to. guess what we ate? Sushi and We loved it and are ready to eat more, So when you and your hubby want to go let us know. We will join you!
Haha!! I couldn't stop laughing when you started running around the house yelling "jaxon candy." That is so funny. (I use that tactic too) I wish that I could have witnessed it. :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY... sounds like a fun celebration.
And Jaxon is adorable! I love when they just crash and finally get the sleep they need... except when you have a panic attack looking for them.
Oh that is funny but not funny at the same time. How cute though that he fell asleep there and all on his own! Happy Birthday late. I totally for got we have the same birthday month. Ok so we went out Friday night on your birthday with tiffany it was her hubbys b-day to. guess what we ate? Sushi and We loved it and are ready to eat more, So when you and your hubby want to go let us know. We will join you!
Haha!! I couldn't stop laughing when you started running around the house yelling "jaxon candy." That is so funny. (I use that tactic too)
I wish that I could have witnessed it.
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