Okay, anyone who knows me knows how I feel about animals (if you don't, refer to #7 on my "I've been Tagged" post). I'm not sure what happened, I think something to do with emergency preparedness and thinking the world is coming to an end and the need for chickens for eggs, but I decided it would be a good idea to own a few chickens. My animal loving husband hasn't been able to stop talking about them since I said I'd be okay with it so after much research and preparing on his part, we found our first 2.
This is a Araucana (whatever that is) but they are egg layers that lay colorful Easter egg type eggs. She's about 7 months old.
This is a Silky (we had only planned on getting this one but fell in love with the other one and got a good deal for both). These seem to be the most tame and coolest looking. They almost look like poodles. This one is 9 months. She's really sweet. They lay eggs just not as many but we heard their eggs taste amazing.
We're trying to think of names. Anyone got any ideas?