This is her at one of those times she pokes her tongue out for like an hour at a time. I don't get it. Is it fun? Does she want to lick me? Is she mad at me? What?

No, it really doesn't get much cuter than this.

Yes, those are skinny jeans. I KNOW!

This pip squeak has been so delightful. She has been the happiest baby ever! This is her on her 4 month birthday just as happy as can be.

Tried to get some cute pictures of her on her 4 month but she wasn't up for it while there was still light so these are as good as we got.

My little princess. Can you tell how much fun I am having dressing her up? I am so loving it! Here are her stats:
W: 12 Lbs 11 oz- 25%
H: 24 1/4"- 50%
Head: 16 1/4- 50-75%
Our whole family is just in love with this angel. We couldn't have asked for a better addition to our family. I'm not sure if her sweetness will last so we'll enjoy it as long as she gives it to us.
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